When I was growing up in North Georgia, several kids and I smoked rabbit tobacco whenever we could find it; little did we know that it could actually be good for us, especially during the colds and flu seasons.
My research shows that most, if not all herbalists, past and present, deem it OK to inhale the smoke to treat colds, flu, asthma, sore mouth and throat, and congestion.
The herb can be placed in a saucer and lighted, and the smoke drawn into the lungs, smoked in a pipe or rolled into a cigarette. My take on it is that one should use it when needed for the above mentioned medicinal needs.
One can also use the plant to make tea, bring to a boil and breathe in the vapours to good effect. The Cherokee people are reported to have used it in this way. It can also be used as a seasoner in many dishes, as desired.
Check out the 2024 tobacco pipes review here and top tobacco pipes here.
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Asthma Pillow Inserts
Place rabbit tobacco inside a silk stocking or other porous fabric, and sew or pin to corners of the pillow, or make a strip down each side of the pillow.
Rabbit Tobacco (also called Life Everlasting) has a long history of use by early American settlers and several Indian Tribes.
A spoonful of the dried leaves steeped for five minutes in a cup of boiling water will soothe coughs, open up the sinuses and act as an expectorant. Swallowed, its’ healing astringent nature is particularly beneficial to inflamed tissues of the stomach and intestines.
Darryl Patton, M.A., M.H.
Director – Coltsfoot College of Natural Health
Rabbit Tobacco
- Family: Asteraceae
- Genus: Pseudognaphalium
- Species: obtusifolium
- Taxon: Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium
To see the full USDA plant scientific classification CLICK HERE
This wonderful herb is also known by other names: Sweet-everlasting, Life-everlasting, Indian-posey, Old-field-posey, Cherokee-tobacco, White-balsam, Fussy-Gussy, Life-of-man, Sweet-scented, Sweet-white-balsam, Fragrant-life-everlasting, Catsfoot, Sweet-cudweed, Blunt-leaved-everlasting.
Trademark Information:
Rabbit Tobacco, Rabbit Tobaccos, Rabbit Tobacco, Rabbit Tobaccoes, Asthma pillow Inserts, Rabbit TobaccoPillow Inserts, Rabbitccino, Rabbiccino, Rabbitmocha, Rabbimocha, Rabbismoothie, Rabbicoffee, are Trademarks of:
- Benny H. Pellom
- Pellom Enterprises
- 472 Poteet Way, Dalton, GA 30721.
Help combat colds and flu by drinking lots of rabbit tobacco tea. Goes well mixed with other teas.
Rolled Smokers
For those who smoke rabbit tobacco for colds and flu, asthma, and related illnesses, the flower heads stay lit well in the rolled paper. We have a good supply of flower heads on hand now. There are indications that smoking rabbit tobacco can help one to get off smoking tobacco.
I do not recommend that anyone smoke rabbit tobacco on a regular basis. Only whenever treating an ongoing condition of colds, flu, asthma, congestion, etc.